The wood stove is creaking and popping this morning as the fire grows and heats the iron. The clock on the piano steadily ticks away the minutes, that wonderful little clock a gift from Emery and the girls over 20 years ago. It is well loved, even though its not made of any special wood or made to be an heirloom. How I love my peaceful life.
Today, the day before Thanksgiving, its a good day to go about our tasks, being thankful for all that we have in our lives.
I am thankful for freedom to believe as I do.
For love, both giving and receiving it.
For the joy of being a wife to a godly man.
For my children, the people they are, the compassion they show and how they are good people.
For my grandchildren, a love I could never have imagined, unfolding daily.
For my home, simple and full of contentment.
For my extended family for what they add to my life.
For the beauty of nature, always available to me.
For living the life I always dreamed of.
For simplicity.
For having lived a plain life for so many years and all it taught me.
For friends that encourage.
For waking up each and every day feeling serentity, joy, peace, hope, faith, love, and contentment.
For a healthy body and mind
For fresh air
For a warm bed, good food and all the clothing I need.
For balance in my life
and for eyes to see, ears to hear and lips that can speak.
God bless, Kathy in Illinois