Late Afternoon Gratitudes

The sky is beautiful.  Wide swaths of lighter clouds reminds me of a child's finger painting, broad places where fingers have made a path amid the colours.  Other aspects of this evenings sky remind me of the back of a sheep.  Woolly wrinkles.   God never fails to give us something beautiful to be grateful for each and every day, even when life looks bleak to us for one reason or another.   Even in moments of great disappear, when a child lay ill or a loved one has been lost, I have always found something beautiful somewhere in my day.  We are so loved by this great Creator that He never fails to hold out His hand in mercy to gift us with a token of His love for us.  This evening, as the day fades into darkness, it is the smell of the fresh air, the crispness of the world around me, that gives me joy.  The chickens making their way onto the perches.  The ducks, huddled down in their corner of the barn for the night.   My hands feeling that slight chill as I gather in a bit of basil, soon frost will take its toll on it, so I gather much of it now to dry, to freeze, to enjoy in the moment.   Back in the house, music of George Winston, fills each the rooms with something beyond words.  The notes he plays match my mood, my thoughts, the way I move from room to room preparing our evening meal.   I just noticed that my wool socks have slid off my foot a bit, duck feet the children used to say of their feet when the same thing happened.  In a moment of freedom to be me, I make duck steps and laugh at myself, out loud.  Simple pleasures.   Its time to light the lamps and bring that almost holy feeling to our little home.  Lamp light is so different than electric light.  It is a piece of that old fashioned goodness that we have read about.  Its restful.  Its peace filled.  It is holy, if I think about it.   It reflects our belief that simplicity gives us freedom to move quietly through life, stopping to smell the roses.  To smile with childlike enthusiasm and to sleep like a baby each night.  I am filled with gratitude this evening for being able to live a life that allows me to experience joy, serenity, peace, hopefulness and be surrounded by love.


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