Christmas Tree Time
I love our tree, so full of sentiment, so full of precious memories. The girls first Christmas ornaments, ornaments my mother and I shopped together for on a rather random trip to a store in Harvard Square one year. Ornaments my Aunt Jeanne has made for me, and a very special ornament that was mine as a small child, a round container from Germany that held an orange each year for all the years I lived with my parents. Hard to imagine its over 50 years old now.
Candles stand tall on the branches, candle holders just like my mother always had on her tree. I light one for a minute each year, embracing an old tradition of candles on the Christmas tree.
The skirt around the tree is dear to me, made by a little girl of 10. Melanie's first Christmas sewing project. Gnomes hang from so many branches, gifts from those who know I have loved gnomes for most of my life. There are very few breakables on our tree, its a child friendly tree where ornaments can be touched with care, admired for how they connect the generations. Our tree will never make the cover of a fancy magazine, or resemble those well decorated trees in store displays, but it is a tree well loved and connected to our family.