No matter where we are in life, it seems like we all want the same thing, to live a happy life with peace and happiness in our hearts. Some folks have no clue as to how to get those two things, and actually seem to sabotage any gains in the matter and others quietly pray hoping it just comes to them, without any heart work of their own. But, there are those amongst us that take one little sure step after another, building a firm foundation that cradles and nurtures peace and happiness in their lives, those of the folks we should seek to learn from. It is often said that life is a journey where we should be learning something new each and every day and that certainly is a goal of mine, and sure there are wonderful facts to learn, and this world of ours dishes up some new discovery each and every second it seems, but as I get older, my internal filter seems to be made of a finer mesh and I just don't bother learning all that is out there to learn. I have no need for learning about crime scene investigative techniques, or how criminal minds work. I have no need to learn about what it takes to keep up with the Jones'. I want to know God more intimately, know Him through what He has created for us, for the world around me. I want to know what gives a person peace of mind, what creates lasting happiness, the kind that cannot be taken from you by circumstances. I want to rest in that kind of faith that is not shaken, and feels the same security a small child feels when they know their loving father will always take care of everything for them and sooth the hurt away with tenderness. I want to learn to open my heart more, be more giving, learn to forgive those that just keep on hurting us for whatever their reason be. To hold no malice in my heart that would rob my own peace, my own happiness. I want to learn how to embrace the needs of mankind without passing judgement and saying things like, "well, if they were not so lazy" or "its their own doing". I have not walked in their life path, I have no idea what hurts they have endured or how loveless their life may be. I want to learn to not expect things, but instead, be gracious about the gifts so freely given by my creator. I want to learn greater wisdom of the things that will matter 10 years from now, and be worth passing on to the next generation. I want to speak with forethought and not rashly. These are the things that will bring me more peace and greater happiness. I want to dump my own prejudice against the things I was taught in error as a child and seek anew, with open eyes the real truth in Gods word and not be so offended by the cliches and lip service we so often hear from Christian lips. To forgive the fake and phony people, the hypocrites and the hollow beings that seem to want me to listen to them as sources of wisdom. To forget the ugliness I have seen and heard throughout life.
Today, let the journey begin for me in earnest to find deeper peace and greater happiness in each and every aspect of my life.