Happy New Year

But, before I climbed out of bed I was laying there thinking about the new year and how people makes resolutions each and every new year, and proceed to forget them in an hours time, and for others, these resolutions can be life changing. We all know the kind that makes a big deal about any life change they plan to make and within a weeks time, they have completely forgotten the goals they set for themselves, and so completely, that you wonder if they ever remember that they told you ! As I was snuggled under the covers thinking about my own resolutions through time I mused that every goal I make is in some way centered on or built on my belief in God. This belief in God is not disputable for me. It is so deep within me that no matter what I have read, what others have tried to tell me, I believe in God, the Creator. Evolution is just not part of my vocabulary, no matter how its explained. For me, everything is based on my understanding or wish to understand, what God wants for me. Even to get more healthy, loose weight, is with the concept in mind that our bodies are temples of God and I have NO right to not take care of it. (1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?)
So, in thinking about my new years resolution I left out things like what I want in the new year, nothing to do with how much money I will have, or how many things I want to buy, or how many trips I wish to take or even what size I want to be, but I wanted to go deeper, think about the things that matter to God. How kind I should be, how generous I should be, how humble I should be, how forgiving I should be, and how much I should be thankful for and not always be like a spoiled child that just never seems content, but more like the child who gets a gift but while still opening the box is telling everyone what she wants next.
Which leads me to my resolution. Let this truth govern my life....1 John: 11 This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. ...... 16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 17 If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
recording titled, "Precious Memories". I typed it on google and your blog came up from 2006 mentioning them. I have called around and believe they may be out of distribution. Would you happen to know if they are still available anywhere? I had one years ago and have given them as gists to friends who have lost a loved one. The songs are quite comforting. I know because we had our 14 yr old son die 7 years ago. God is faithful though. He is so good to us. Well, like I said it was a ling shot, but if you have any information as to where I may still be able to purchase this tape I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much.
Kristy Hollingshead
Thank you
I MUST tell you that I made the Apple Cranberry Casserole you posted in Nov 2008. I served it with our Christmas dinner and WOW what a hit (no left overs at all). That will be made a lot more often around this house. Great for a side dish, great as a dessert. Just plain great.
Also this past fall I made the Poor Mans Crab Cakes you posted also. What a great why to use the zucchini out of the garden. I have some grated in the freezer and I know I will make them again using this recipe. OH YUM! Another keeper recipe for my files.
Thank you for the great recipes. Enjoy the new year. Emily