Thinking about stressing out over things that never take place

Today as I was stripping wallpaper off my kitchen walls, I was thinking about life and how strange it is when folks over-react to a situation before it even takes place, sometimes within that situation anger arises, tempers flare, words are said or inferred that just bite to the core....and when the situation never manifests, all the worry and the frantic behavior was all just a terrible waste of time. Ugliness for nothing....but the reaction to the "maybe's", the results of what was said and felt cannot be forgotten. Forgiven but not forgotten. I think perhaps there is profound wisdom in taking a wait and see attitude. So many folks spend a lot of time worrying about things that never take place or things they cannot change and in that process they often loose more than just time. Maybe its a control issue. Actually I am pretty convinced it is. Perfectionism seems to be tied up in that a bit too.
Lessons learned in life by mistakes as well as by victories.
I wrote a bit about Perfectionism way back in 2007 and today when I re-read the words I wrote then, I understood that it can apply in many situations. I am still learning about people, still observing myself and others, still seeing that so much of our lives are spent on "what if's" that never arrive and what a waste of time reacting to what might only happen can be.


Kristen said…
I really can relate to your chicken picture...I thought my chickens were the only ones that enjoy my deck more than me! ;-)

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