Longing for Cool Weather
I have a full day planned. Time to go through the closet and "dump the frump". And also time to go through the sewing room and pass along the things I will never use. Fall is approaching and with that comes a time for me when I get major projects done. Get some painting done in the kitchen. We decided the room needs to be lighter in color and so that means a bit of painting.
And I have not finished putting down the new flooring in the living room. Summer is a lazy time for me, the heat just takes away my ambition and although I do what I need to do, I don't feel much like going beyond that. Fall time, makes me feel alive again. I love a chill in the air and the comfort of a good sweater and wool socks. I love the smell of apples and cinnamon and wood smoke from the stove. I love rosy cheeks that are born of a crisp northern wind. I am ready for summer to be over, but here in Texas, we have a ways to go. September is always a hot month and even some of October.
For today, I will busy myself with chores that speak of anticipation for the cool weather to come. It makes me feel hopeful that it will indeed arrive in due time.
The garden is ready to be planted next month and soon it will be time to blacken the wood stove and make it look new, and also allow for a couple fires with windows open so the blackening can burn off and the smell exit by way of the windows. We will have our wood delivered and spend a day stacking it together. Chatting while we work and laughing at silly things.
Life is good and I am very blessed to have what I consider a very sweet simple life, surrounded by so much love.
On a side note here, Melanie has a Doctors appointment this week and we are hoping the Doctor will discover if it is a boy or a girl. Melanie will be 16 weeks along in just a couple days.
To me, this is going very fast, but not so sure Melanie feels the same : ) She is still feeling sick almost every day and has extremely low blood sugars all the time.
What will you be planting in the garden? I'm trying to figure out how to do this "fall harvest" thing! :)