A Ramble
Even though we live this rather simple existence, we still fight the "I wants" the ones that have nothing to do with need. Emery makes really good money and everyone seems to expect us to live a certain way, a way that shouts how much money we have. It really is peer pressure of sorts. Folks question our sanity in driving older cars, having wood heat, no clothes dryer etc. For some reason that and the lack of a dishwasher are big things to people. So, I do understand this pressure to have and have and have. I watch those same home shows that others do and yeah, I find myself looking around the room thinking, "oh that would be nice" or "we should move into a newer house". But, I know deep inside of me that money and bigger and better do not make you a better person or happier. Stuff is stuff, not happiness.
Who I am is not to be measured by the logo on my car, or by being able to say I shop at gourmet food stores or eat at certain high end restaurants. We should be deeper than that, more than that. Greed drives us to loose who we are in so many ways and just seek some shallow definition of success. Money does not fill an emotional need just like food doesn't.
We all seem to admire those that are self contained, happiness on the inside, peace within, not dependant on the externals to achieve what is held in our hearts and bring joy. But so few of us work towards achieving those goals. I think we have taken an empty road by seeking things instead of the things that are lasting and not dependant on what we own. Seeking peace and joy within, is never achieved by shopping, working 60 hour weeks, spending what we don't have or by a heart filled with greed or fear of looking like we don't measure up to some worthless standard set by those that wish to get us to buy stuff .
We all seem to admire those that are self contained, happiness on the inside, peace within, not dependant on the externals to achieve what is held in our hearts and bring joy. But so few of us work towards achieving those goals. I think we have taken an empty road by seeking things instead of the things that are lasting and not dependant on what we own. Seeking peace and joy within, is never achieved by shopping, working 60 hour weeks, spending what we don't have or by a heart filled with greed or fear of looking like we don't measure up to some worthless standard set by those that wish to get us to buy stuff .
the photo is of our front door bell, pretty simple isn't it
thanks for this post. definitely food for thought.
I see the [possible] learning of this lesson, to be a silver lining in this global recession or whatever one chooses to call it. I say, a 'possible learning,' because I also think people need more than lack of $$$, to discover simpler living. It seems to help, to _want_ it, first. Then, seek and find it.
But I still will hope that a lesson is learned... That people will not go all the way back to their former 'gotta'-have-it-all' views.
And a good sign is, that spending is down but savings are up. Or so I read. _That_ is quite amazing! And to me, it's quite a hopeful sign. :-)
'Aunt Amelia'
We were discussing a friend of his who is very selfish and son was telling me that if someone needed something he has, he'll give it to them. He hasn't conquered the desire to buy stuff, maybe none of us will until Heaven, but at least he's thinking differently than most Americans. Lisa in NM