Saturday Morning Ramble
But for today there is housework to be done, some sewing to finish and then there is a book of poetry demanding to be read amid the sun and shadows with a cup of tea and perhaps a treat of shortbread.
Emery is working, but has called several times already to check on me, a new medication for this stubborn infection that is seemingly drug resistant. On my desk this morning a note from him. He was quiet as a mouse this morning so not to wake me and let me get an hour or two extra sleep. This is love in its most pure form.
Cardinals, tufted titmouse, house wrens, chickadees, are all feeding at the bird feeders just outside the window, bits of color and song catching my eye. Its time to get off the computer and sit in the shade and feel the cool breeze before it is chased off by the hot sun. Life is good. It is simple for me and that's just the way I like it. Surrounded by love and peace. True simplicity comes from within our hearts and I have said that all along.
Tina Miller