Rain Again

Just as I was coming in the house from doing chores, the heavens opened up. Lightning flashed across the sky above me, and thunder crashed in the heavens. I couldn't decide if it was best to just stick it out in the barn or head towards the house. Just as I got the nerve to venture out of the barn, lighting flashed right above the house, the noise from the thunder was enough to shake the ground under me. Quickly I moved deeper into the barn only to find the wind come up with a vengeance and cause the metal roof to flap like sheer drapes in a summer breeze.
At this point I wasn't sure where the safest place was, so as soon as I saw some lightning flash I made a dash for the house, running at top speed. The house seemed dark, so candles were lit. I sat like a statue, silent and still on the sofa until the worst of the storm had passed. Melanie called to see if I was in the house, and comment on the storm, she was wishing Casi was home with her.
The rain fell in buckets, refreshing the land. I was sure glad to be inside safe and in His Care.
So glad the chores were all done !

Looking out the front window at the rain falling


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