
There are so many blessings in my are a few
That God puts up with all my questioning
My husband, who is truly a gentle man in every way
That there is more love in my life than any other thing
My children and now a grandchild
My extended family and wonderful friends
That today my husbands weekly check is the same as what I made in a year in 1973
That I am surrounded by trees and beauty
That Emery and I have great health
I am blessed to have all that I need
To be able to pray
To be able to have music around me
That I have learned that worry is often greater than reality.
And around me right now there is sunshine to the east, rain in the west. I have music on that I love, Dervish CD "Playing with Fire", Barry's tea in a mug by my side. Bare feet, chickens clucking outside the window, the air smells so fresh, cicada's are "singing" in the trees along with so many birds. Butterflies and moths fluttering here and there, making me think of fairies.