Joy in Life

When I woke this morning, my very fist thought was not about the things I have to do this week, but it was about the joy that life brings. Joy is an amazing emotion. It doesn't have to be the jump up and down sort of "jumping for joy" experience, it can be more like a filling up of goodness feeling, deep and lasting, yet able to make room for other emotions too. When I woke, the deepest part of me felt so joyfully content. This joy being fed by things like, the way the house smells of wood smoke and cinnamon. The way the red oak tree has held onto her color, bright and vibrant, visible from my bedroom window. The chirping of a little house wren searching for a home. The picture of a memorable sunset. The joy of having freshly baked goodies for company to enjoy. Thoughts of my children, kind and thoughtful and of my grandchildren, so sweet and bright. In less than a week now, Emery and I will celebrate 29 years of marriage. Such joy ! Love and joy have mixed well in all our years.
This morning I thought of hearing the Messiah last night, one of my all time favorite pieces of music. It stirs me like none other. It reminds me of the many times heading off to Symphony Hall in Boston, dressed up, cold weather, and sitting mesmerized by the music and standing tall during the hallelujah chorus. Memories can give us joy too. I so well remember the joy of holding my children for the first time, or sneaking into their rooms at night to see them sleep, profound joy. And now the joy I felt from seeing my grand-babies moments after birth stays with me. I believe there is not much that could keep me away from sharing in that moment with my children and fortunately they can't imagine such a moment without Emery and I there too !
There is joy in the color of the morning sky, in the last flower in bloom for the season. In the fuzzy leaves of the mullein, and the silly comparison of a new Italian pine ready to be planted, next to one we planted a few years back. There is joy to be found in the silence of the house, it feels peaceful. There is even joy in the clean shiny floors and tidy rooms. Joy is all around each of us, waiting to be taken in and to fill us up. It is before you.
And of course, last but by no means least.. there is for me, the joy found in worshipping God

Psalm 19: 8 The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.


Lib said…
Hi Patty, Another great Post.
My heart overflows with joy , and its the free simple things in life. :o)
Blessins', Lib
~Bren~ said…
What a wonderful post. I needed this one this morning!
Congratulations on 29 years. They sound like truly happy ones.
You can have joy every day of your life! Even the bad days! You really can. It does not mean you will be happy every day. Big difference! Some days you may struggle to find the joy but it is there. 29 years? that is awesome.
Tracy said…
I hope that you have a blessed anniversary.

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