
As I sit here at my desk, there is pounding and footsteps above me.  Our son and his friends are putting on a new roof for us.  Sounds of love.   
Our home is very rarely silent, only in the wee hours of the morning or while we sleep.  Emery and I are such busy people but never far from one anothers side.   Talk, laughter, planning and sharing the joy that fills up so many moments.
 How blessed we are to have had a rich life filled with children's laughter, and on occasion tears.  There was nothing I enjoyed as much as the talk around the table each meal time as the children filled us in with what was important in their lives.  How blessed we have been to have only had a year without a child at home before grandchildren arrived.  Now, we are bountifully blessed to have our grandchildren close to us.  Two just 7 doors down from us and two more just about 5 miles away.  There is nothing so precious as the sound of children running down our hallway, laughing and playing.  How sweet to hear little voices squeal in delight over some wonder in nature as they play outside while visiting.   How I love to have the table set for all the family.  I should do it more often.   
The sounds of a loving family is music to my ears.


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