As much as our little homestead farm is a big part of our daily lives, there is much more that goes on.
We are a rather eclectic bunch, maybe even a tad eccentric.
Old hippies maybe. Most days you walk through the front door and you are greeted by the scent of incense burning. The Tibetan 8 auspicious symbols hang proudly on the door to my computer room. Music is always playing, but you just never know what kind of music will greet you. This morning its Dervish, Solas and Altan playing on the CD player. But other mornings it might be classical, Ravi Shankar, Red Thunder, and then it might be Cat Stevens turn at amusing me with his singing. Our meals are just about as varied. We shop Asian markets and health food stores if that gives you an idea of what you might find on your plate if you were to sup with us.
My kiddos grew up in 100% cotton clothing, Birkenstocks in baby size, Waldorf toys and formal tea parties. They ate whole wheat tortillas spread with almond butter and sprinkled with raisins and other fruits. They know their way around the kitchen and the health food store. As adults they reach for herbs for ill health before running to the Doctor. Their taste in music broad and not limited to just what's popular. (c) All the children took Irish Step dancing lessons for years and play instruments. My husband and I really like our kids. We are proud of them for being individuals and not trying to fit in all the time. They march to their own drum beat and that makes us proud. The girls are very creative. Artist in the purest form.
These pictures of ones Melanie took for an photography class. She took pictures of herself and had some fun with graphics.
I think they are amazing.

photos copyright MIL (c)


La Tea Dah said…
Beautiful art work! WOW!

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