More Ice

Ice continues to form on the trees and bushes. Old Tibetan prayer flags, long ago faded from color to black and white now hang like sheets of ice covered pieces of fabric. Clothespins hanging with icicles make me glad to know today is not laundry day !


I love the clothespin photograph. As someone who is hoping to start drying clothes outside this spring, I look at that photo and am thankful for what I do have. Guess I should get started on all those loads of laundry now that I'm inspired.
nancyr said…
Oh, what did that do to your garden?

It was one degree above zero where I live, this morning, when I started my day. It is January, though, so we will just have to keep the home fires burning.
Kim said…
we're getting that ice tomorrow evening into Wed afternoon.
I love you choices for new furniture. And your stand mixer lookss great too. I loved mine this year making all kinds of treats for the family.

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