The Hardest Thing In Life, but the most important
No matter what path we chose to travel, by what name the road bears, by what doctrine we call our own, the most difficult task remains the same, how to be compassionate to all, even those that rub us the wrong way, say unkind things to us, wear dirty cast off clothing and beg on the street corners or perhaps sit high in penthouse homes with more money than we could ever imagine.
It is so easy to talk badly about those that do us wrong, who slap us in the face not in literal fashion but in deed or word or gossip. Why is it that we find it so easy to only love the lovable ? Why is it that although I love the teachings of Jesus and believe them, I don't strive more to have a heart full of compassion for all ? I know by the state of the world, that I am not alone on this. We even find excuses and use certain verses to explain why we shun or use words like dislike for those who are not to our personal standard of correctness ! We decide rather than be Christ like and love everyone, its just easier to judge someone unfit to receive our compassion, because after all they do this or that which is not according to the rules....but just think, our even thinking that is breaking one of the two most important commands in the Bible, "Love your neighbor as yourself ". We even use phrases like, "they are nuts", to defend why we don't act loving to someone that is not up to our standards of behavior. I realize that there are folks out there that behave badly and there are times when its just best to not have anything to do with them, but that does not mean we should fail to show compassion in how we speak about them or even think about them.
We can so easily dress the part, attend church 4 times a week, look pious, sing hymns, never turn on a television set, eat only this or that, celebrate all the holy feasts, not have a Christmas tree or an Easter egg, but we find it so hard to have the mind of Christ and a heart full of love and compassion like we are told.
I want to make it my new years resolution to be more committed to have a heart full of love, to have kind words on my lips and in my heart. To be compassionate even to those folks that just push all your buttons. The very ones that brag, the ones that are full of jealousy, the ones that say mean things to us, the ones that mutter under their breath but loud enough to be heard, the ones that lie, the ones that steal, the ones that are selfish, the lazy ones and the self righteous ones too.
Ephesians 4: 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
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