Icy World Around Me

How thankful I am for the warmth of the wood stove, especially after doing my morning chores. Icy rain, sleet and frozen rain is falling from the pale gray sky, coating all that is around me with frozen water. Birds seek shelter in the trees, the cats snuggled up on the hay bales and the goats came out of their cozy barn only long enough to be fed.
My list of gratitude's this morning is long. Life is good !
For love
For joy
For peace of heart
For a calm life without much drama
For loving children that want to be part of our lives and we want them to be a part of ours
For the ease in which my daughters tell me they love me.
For how many times every day Emery tells me he loves me
For two wonderful sons in law and a wonderful daughter in law
For grandbabies
For beauty
For color
For hope
For hand holding
For dreams
For reaching goals and making more
For a warm house
For having all I need and then some
For learning about mindfulness
For a winter garden
For living with less fear every day
For loosing the desire to do things just to impress people
For being 54
For my gray hair
For understanding life better all the time
For not sweating the small stuff, and it is all small stuff
For living spherically and not being afraid to share that concept
For embracing my interests
For bird watching and hiking
For planning a future
For my camera
For coffee and conversation at the same time.
For kisses and hugs
For a romantic husband
For friends, old and new
For getting up enough nerve to enter into a new phase of life, and a new look.
For good health
For the beauty found in each season


Renee said…
You posted a wonderful gratitude list!

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