Music for A Gray Day, Martin Best Ensemble...Thys Yool

Its never easy for me to figure out which music from my rather vast collection of CD's is the perfect music for the day. I am quite sure I would die without music each day. I have the stereo going almost all day long. Music matching my mood. Music is like the life flow running through my body.
Today I sat on the floor for quite a while, leafing through the pages of my CD's trying to find just the right music to go with the feeling that winter is approaching. The day seems old, ancient in the harshness of the wind and cold. Rain pelting on the windows with ferocity. A draft coming through the bottom of the front door, pushing its way into the warm coziness of our home. A piece of weather-stripping had come off this summer and now it is missed.
At last I found the perfect sound for the morning. Martin Best Ensemble, Thys Yool. I love the ancient sound of olde English and the instruments from courts and castles. And nothing better than ancient songs from the Yule Season on such a day.
Medieval music is one of my favorite types of music but not one you want as a steady diet. Its special, and it transports you in time, so the setting has to be right. Its for long quiet days. I love how they sing Hail Mary, its beautiful and dreamy sounding. You can imagine it sung in some tiny chapel by a woman with a heart full of the need to pray. After the CD played, I got out my own recorder and played a bit. Its been a while and my fingers feel awkward at first. I have forgotten about the wind and cold. The notes filling the house and chasing away the sound of the wind. I stop to change the page and take a second to wish for the children to be here, playing with me. We would sing and play, laugh at our mistakes and beam with our successes.
Life has been good and still is !

You can listen to some sound clips from this CD here.

My recorder and music

The view from where I sit playing my recorder

The CD cover for Thys Yool


Inga said…
Hello Patty

I was just surfing through your blog, when my husband noticed your post about Martin Best and he immediately replied that this music is fantastic. So now I have to check out our records with his music. Do you know his Bellman-recordings? My husband says that they are really good.


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