I think a lot about this concept, living a simple life while surrounding yourself with beauty. I have met far too many homestead folk that seem to have it in their mind that they need to be surrounded by starkness, dull colors and only own things that are utilitarian. I have even known of some folk newly embarking on the simple homesteading life that got rid of beautiful dishes and tablecloths just because they were "too pretty". While the children were young, I can remember more than a few meals of a simple nature, after doing farm chores, that were served on beautiful china that I had purchased before I was even married. God loves beautiful things, after all He created the most gorgeous flowers and birds, full of color and design that has nothing to do with anything beyond being beautiful. Luke 12:27 reminds us....."Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these." Certainly I could use the land the rose garden is on for growing more vegetables but roses delight my soul, fill me with awe at the unspeakable beauty of creation. They speak to me about the Heart of the Maker. Feeding the soul by way of our senses is just as important as eating food. God, gave very detailed instructions for how the Tabernacle was to be built in the wilderness. Exodus 26: 1 “Make the tabernacle with ten curtains of finely twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn, with cherubim woven into them by a skilled worker. " and further on.... 36 “For the entrance to the tent make a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen—the work of an embroiderer. 37 Make gold hooks for this curtain and five posts of acacia wood overlaid with gold. And cast five bronze bases for them. "I just smiled thinking about that tiny tinge of guilt I have felt for spending so much money on new curtains and how right now, God brought these verses to mind as I was writing out my morning thoughts. Was the beauty of the Tabernacle for Gods pleasure or was it to give mankind a glimpse of God through the beauty of what was made. I think a bit of both. Our lives need beauty. Criminals are removed from beauty when in prison as part of their punishment. Children learn to be kinder and more sensitive when they are taught to appreciate the wonders of creation. Beautiful music is said to increase our thinking ability. I personally have seen the demeanour of adults change when tea was served to them in a beautiful setting. Here is the final thought though, that brings it all together. One need not spend a fortune on beauty, there are wonderful finds at yard sales, thrift stores, estate sales and such. Many of the things I own have been given to me as gifts. Treasured for both their beauty and their sentimental connection. Own what you have space for, never making the stuff we own a burden to care for. My rose garden, the most special roses are the bushes my husband has given me each year for Mothers Day. Gifts of love that give me joy much of the year and return to do it the next year and on and on. I have watched him carefully plant them for me, showing his love in the care he takes in preparing the soil etc. The work we do to keep the garden areas up is good for us too. A simple life need not be stripped of beauty, but rather filled with it but never at the cost of taking away our peace of mind.
Well said, Ptty. A simple lifestyle, lived within one's means should never be synonymous with "plain" or "bare". Such lovely bits of china and linens can be found second-hand. Flowersm including wildflowers, grace a home indoors and out, and learning about plants, their history, uses and folklore, is another way to share the marvels of creation. I think of some of the pioneer homes--crudely built perhaps and with little of value for furnishings. The sight of flowers or a pretty teacup or tablecloth must have been balm to the hearts of over-worked women.
A simple lifestyle, lived within one's means should never be synonymous with "plain" or "bare".
Such lovely bits of china and linens can be found second-hand.
Flowersm including wildflowers, grace a home indoors and out, and learning about plants, their history, uses and folklore, is another way to share the marvels of creation.
I think of some of the pioneer homes--crudely built perhaps and with little of value for furnishings. The sight of flowers or a pretty teacup or tablecloth must have been balm to the hearts of over-worked women.