Simple Monday

Tending the garden, cutting fresh roses for the table. Tea and a book. Playing with the puppy. Folding laundry. Painting the trim on the porch. Cooking supper. Making raw cupcakes for dessert. Watching butterflies and listening to bird songs. Going at whatever pace the job demanded or didn't. Telephone chats with loved ones. A tall glass of iced water, when the thermometer reached 90. Beautiful music, flowery skirt with a long hem that was just too tempting for a little puppy so he tugged at it and growled as if it were a monster. Time enough to watch ducklings swim and notice their feathers growing.
Bare feet, dirty fingernails from working in the soil. Whispered prayers when a name comes to mind. And there was time to watch the man from the electric company fix the power line and cut down the offending tree. Simplicity, mixed with the scent of rose petals and fresh air. Pretty dishes on the table, collected through the years and many were gifts given in love.

This is living the simple life.


What a lovely Monday. I can't believe how quickly those ducklings go.....And yesterday at a dr. appt. I mentioned to the girl signing me in that it was the anniversary of Paul's Revere's Ride and she looked utterly baffled. Oh my. We had to memorize some of that poem, and the date is also my grandparent's wedding anniversary (in 1914) so I don't forget.
Lisa said…
Can you share your raw cupcake recipe?
Lisa said…
Can you share the recipe for raw cupcakes?

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