Sprouts are a really good way to get some added nutrition, especially on a raw diet. Last week in the health food store I meandered down the isle that contained all the beans and seeds for sprouting and also noted that for $15.99 you could get a half gallon size mason jar with a plastic screen sort of top. Well, I am frugal at times and at home I had at least a half dozen mason jars that size but no fancy plastic screen lids, but I did however just purchase a bag of key limes, the bag was a fine plastic mesh, green too, just like the color of the sprouting lid. I figured that I could cut that bag into the right size squares to fit right under the mason jar rings. I did double the mesh, since I was sprouting some very tiny seeds. Has worked perfectly !The little beans and seeds have done just what they were supposed to do, sprout tiny wings, which means I get to enjoy them on a sandwich today.