Another Raw Day
The weight loss has been phenomenal, but the health rewards have been even greater.
To date, I have been loosing about 5 lbs a week. Never hungry feeling, still no cravings for sweets. I even went to the food store hungry, passed the candy and donuts without even giving them a second look. Headed happily to the bananas instead.
There has been a surprising benefit to this way of eating....almost no trash to take out this week. Emery remarked how we had only a little bit of trash in the bottom of the trash can for the whole week, however, we have taken a lot out to the compost pile. Lost of fruit and veggie peels ! It turns out that this way of eating goes well with our commitment to be "green".
Today for lunch I had fake bacon made with eggplant that had been marinated then dehydrated. Its great and a perfect addition to a sandwich with lettuce for the "bread".
Still having more and more energy daily and feeling healthier, even though I always thought I was feeling great before going raw.
There are lots of recipes on line for eating a raw and living diet so no one need ever be bored with the food choices.
nice going...