Snow Falling Softly
Somehow the 16 degree morning didn't feel as cold as the last few mornings, the wind was calmer. What a gift this blanket of purity is for the eye. Yes, its not fun to shovel, or drive in, but maybe, just maybe God gives it to us as a gift to be still and just look at it. A forced stop and smell the roses sort of moment in time. I am always reminded of the verse “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow" . It is as though I can see it, a visual on how our sins are gone under the purity of Christ, and right now, in this moment when the roads are too nasty to drive on, I can take the time to see that lesson, soak it in and understand the beauty of it through the beauty of the snow, as it sparkles across the land.
Psalm 51:7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Complaining about the snow doesn't make it go away, so why not take a moment to see the beauty of it, see the lesson it can teach us.
Emery and I walked, checking out the animal tracks, watching the birds seek tiny seeds from the few dried plants poking out from the snow and ice.
Later, around noon time, the sun came out and made everything sparkle, a few lingering flurries fell, catching the sunlight and looking like diamond dust. It held me captive by its beauty.
Life is good and I am content !
Thank you for sharing.