Nature at Night

There is something very special to me about photos of flowers taken after dark. They look as though they are standing against a background of black velvet. I noticed the first female mosquitos of the season while I was outside. We have had a huge amount of male mosquitos this year, which worries me some about the numbers of the pesky insects this year. We always have the worry of West Nile virus in this area.

A bit of family news....

Melanie and Casi are settled in their home tonight, cosy as bugs in a rug.
Melissa was happy to run 6 miles this weekend. No snow to prohibit her from hitting the road. She and James also are happy to hear Taco Bell will be coming to their area soon. Its hard for a young Texan to be far from a Taco Bell. Well, its even hard for me to go a week without a taco come to think of it.

Steven and Priscilla are heading off on a trip to a friends wedding this week, so life is busy for everyone right now. Maybe this month we will find out if they are having a girl or a boy. They want to know so will have an ultrasound and share the news of what they are having.


Peggy said…
Isn't it wonderful knowing our grown children are happy and doing well. Sure helps me sleep good at night. :)
Patty said…
that is so right Peggy, all the hard work of raising them when they were little has paid off all around.
Marci said…
The pictures are wonderful Pat. I love them.

I am so glad that Melanie is all settled in right down the road from you. I am still praying for her and that baby.

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