Its raining, that soft sort of rain that allows you to walk out in it, without getting soaked right off. I put my bare feet into Emery's big mud boots since they were handy, right next to the back door and headed out, camera carefully tucked under my hooded sweatshirt. The air felt cool and invigorating, the kind of air that seems to quicken your senses and makes you feel alert to all that is in your little corner of the world, right down to the tiny leaf stuck to the bark of a large bush. The colors of nature on such a day are bold and almost overstated by contrast, yet not garish. Harry, the loyal dog that he is, tramps along with me, not seeming to mind that he begins to look like a drowned rat. He explores with me, sometimes right at my side and at other times, just ahead of me, shaking his tags as if to tell me to hurry up and look over his way at what he has found. We stand silently beside one another watching a mocking bird squabble over the rights of the red oak tree with two male cardinals. The mocking bird wins and the red boys fly off to another tree, their wings a bit soggy looking. I muse with the idea of getting in the car and heading off to the local duck pond, its a good day for ducks and people like me that love strolling in the very substance that never disappears, only changes form, only to be changed back into rain again, the cycle has gone on since the beginning of the world. The very rain that is falling on my shoulders today, may have fallen on the shoulders of Noah. Water like energy, does not die, it only changes form. I like that idea. Days like today are the very days I rather like spending alone, to think, to wander, to explore, to contemplate life, the world and of course try to sort out some thoughts about my favorite subject...quantum physics. Its a perfect Saturday...and life is so good.
I can hear my garden singing.