A Morning Ramble
I get time to think, prayerfully contemplate life while I lean into the warm goats side as I milk, and at that same moment breathe in the sweet smell of fresh milk as it fills the pail, it never fails to remind me of going to Kimball farms as a child and loving the smell of fresh milk and cream that would turn into wonderful ice cream.
The plum tree exploded with blossoms yesterday in the warmth of the day. So profoundly beautiful, close and from afar. The garden growing so fast it seems a bit like time lapse photography when you look at it. After the animal chores were done I opened the yet to be attached garden gate, its sort of just leaning up against the posts. Its on the "to do" list and it may stay that way for the whole season, it has been that way since fall. Low priority sort of thing, since it does do its job in the present state of leaning only. I find Asparagus ready to eat and so I eat it for part of my breakfast. Munching the tender green stalks, as I pick carrots. At times tugging hard to get the big fat carrots out of the ground, they stubbornly hang on to the soil. I win the battle.
Harry sits on the other side of the garden fence, watching me. He wants to play.
It all seems so simple, this morning of mine. Living exactly in the moment I am in. I am not worried about the economy or the state of the world. I am just picking carrots in my garden and thanking God for His love and His gift to us of so much beauty in His Creation. We have no bills to worry about, we have lived simply for years and years. We planned this, it was not luck or any random thing. We planned to live in a old house, with a place to garden and have animals so that we could live life without needing much money. We opted for not buying into the mindset of having to live high on the hog, having things just to impress others, or to make us feel that our value lie in what we owned or could buy or what fancy store we could shop at. We didn't eat out or buy ready made meals. I thought that was lazy to be honest and we sure didn't want to spend money on eating out when it might take from someone having new shoes or dental work done.
So today, I can sit down to breakfast after chores are done and have peace of mind. Drink a cold glass of goats milk, and watch the birds fly past the window. I can sit and think of all the love in my life...daughters that are nothing but joy to us, grand-blessings that are just that GRAND BLESSINGS ! A son that is a hard worker. A husband that is nothing but kindness and honorable. So wise and loving. Our children are so blessed to have him to go to for council. He is a godly man, without a drop of hypocrisy. His tenderness and strength a perfect blending. Never in our married life has that man said one unkind word to me. Not one.
I am blessed. Life is good !
1 Thessalonians 5: 16 Be joyful always; 17 pray continually;
One doe would not feed her kid so we took over but also we wanted at least one kid to be bottle fed so it would bond to humans and make for a super friendly goat. We have always bottle fed all our kids, but this year I am a bit lazy and let the other doe feed her kids.
I always feel so inspired and peaceful after reading your posts, so I just wanted to say thank you for sharing with all of us.