Around Home This Morning

The kids are growing so fast. They are such fun to play with. Cinnamon is being a good adopted mom to Faith, taking care of all her needs except for the feeding part. Last night when I went out at 10 to give Faith a bottle, all 3 of them, Faith, Hope and Charity, were snuggled together.

Harry is always close at hand with a watchful eye over "his" babies.


... Paige said…
What little cutie pies
ellemenope said…
I must have missed it -- did you lose one of your does?
Patty said…
didn't lose a doe, Licorice was not interested in feeding her kid so we are bottle feeding her but we also wanted one kid to bond with us as its going to be going to Melanies house and kids raised on bottles are just easier to work with. Cinnamon just has taken this kid under her "wing" and is making sure she is safe and warm.
oh my goodness--shows how out of touch i've been! they are adorable!
I linked to your blog from "Touch the Earth Farm" and am so grateful to have stumbled onto this soothing, beautiful little corner of the Web. We moved with our 4 children to northern Arizona's high desert country. I left behind cul de sacs, high heels and making rich clients richer and am revelling in watching my kids holding the chickens, preparing for a garden, listening to owls and caring for a box of kittens, all the while feeling my heart will burst with gratitude for this beautiful, simple life. When I bake bread with warm, fresh ground wheat flour or crack one of our beautiful brown eggs, I feel such peaceful joy. We recently began what will likely be a long journey with our sweet 11 yr old son and his new diagnosis of kidney disease. It's heartbreaking and frightening but like your experience with Mei Ling, we have been abundantly blessed by the good wishes and prayers of friends and families, and a few plain old fashioned miracles. Your words and pictures perfectly illustrate the kaleidoscope of experiences that comprise this simple life. Thank you.

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