Monday Morning Blessings

Its time for a Monday Morning Blessing post.
I woke this morning so excited about life, about my life, about how grateful I am to have a positive outlook on life. I see the cup half full and see the blessing in each and every delay that takes place and try hard to live in Romans 8: 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. How can I complain about something when I know God is working out the details for me ? He is tending to my needs before I even know they are needs.

I honestly can believe what it says in James 1, that we are to "count it all joy", not just some of it, ALL of it, every day, the hard things and the sad things. Even the difficulties work their good in some way, even though we may not even understand it ever in our lifetime.
I am grateful for a Heavenly Father that has only the best in mind for me.
I feel blessed that His love is not short-handed.
I feel blessed that God knows my heart, knows my searchings, and still loves me.
I feel blessed that my husband is a kind God fearing man, with no temper at all.
I am blessed to have children that have tender hearts and desire to be good people.
I feel blessed that I remember where I have been in life, and understand the journey.
I feel blessed that the little things in life don't upset my apple cart
I am thankful for.....
Luna Moths that appear for me to enjoy and Cedar waxwings that visit on the day I am home.
for goats milk and the health benefits of it.
for grandbabies that fill my heart with such a wonderful kind of love
for spring flowers
for joy that flows deep like a river
for a song in my heart
for health
for love all around me and no loneliness
for peace of mind
for feeling content
for having all I need in life.


cheryl said…
I am grateful for your blog Patty , we are going through a difficult time right now as my husband's job is being phased out and at 60 years old he has to start looking for work again so for encouragement I have been reading your blog from the beginning and for some reason I feel more optimistic . Thank you !

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