The Choices We Make

This past week has been one for us, where we seem to be weighing out the disadvantages and advantages of moving into a bigger, greater possibility kind of house. The size is appealing and the investment aspect, but no land ! And then we would have a mortgage payment for a few years and much higher monthly expenses since it got all electric heat and then in summer air conditioners, two huge units to cool the house. So here we are, not far away from Emery retiring and have almost no monthly bills and considering purchasing a house that will cost us lots more a month for at least three years while we pay it off and then after that have utility bills that are many times greater than what we have here and again, no land for goats or a garden. Yes, we could still keep the goats here and the garden but that's just not the same.
I was talking to a friend of mine about it and she was saying things like, "oh you are going to buy it aren't you ?" Nice house, bigger and you can have it looking nice (I kinda was insulted, did she mean my present house doesn't look nice) Then I thought, whoaaaa, this is the same woman that has to have everything perfect. She has worked multiple jobs for years just so she can have things...yes, things. Her three children have nothing to do with her because she is such a stressed out perfectionist. Her health is suffering from all the stress of working so hard for so many years and to be honest she is worn out. So, then the phrase came to me....."from whence it comes..." I thought, just her advice alone is enough to make me skip happily through my old, not perfect, bedroom not finished house and shout for joy. We have made a life with almost no stress, plenty of time for family and friends. Children who love this house and will always feel like its home for them. I can walk outside and hear the birds singing in the trees by the garden and work to the music of nature. The floors in the house creek in a familiar way and the back door slams shut like a proper old farm house. I will smile a contented smile thinking about how it costs us a whopping $70 to heat this house this winter and our last gas bill was $22.
I will sit with a deep joy as I look down the long hallway and remember children running in to share something amazing they discovered while outside playing.
I will also plan for retirement years without worry or stress and with delightful loving children around us and Grandchildren that bring such great joy....
Naw, I don't want a big house that will end up being worth lots of money, I would rather have my muddy floor in the back hall and a banging screen door....
(honestly though, I am looking forward to the back porch being built so the muddy floor is one room further from my kitchen, so I don't have to wash the hall floor so many times a week !)


Granny said…
A house doesn't make a home, the people who live there do. If I had the choice of the two you described I'd pick your current home. You're surrounded by things you love and best of all you family loves it there.
Holly C. said…
I hope you go for the less stress, less money option!
tiffany said…
I envy your situation. Moving might be tempting, but you just keep thinking about it as clearly as you are and counting your many blessings. :) Your homestead is lovely and I wouldnt trade it in for bigger or shmancier if I were you.
In the course of my husband's house building business we've lived in and sold a number of homes. I've found that I can always adjust to another house, take pleasure in planning the design and decorating details. It is immeasureably more difficult to leave a piece of land where I have watched the progression of the seasons, worked the soil and raised gardens, buried my pets. I can learn to feel at home in a different house in a matter of weeks---developing familiarity with a plot of land takes several seasons to unfold.
cheryl said…
A home without a mortage or lien of any kind on it is a true blessing in this day and age ! Going by the pictures you have posted of your home Patty it is a lovely , peace filled home .
Oh, Patty, I think you have the right decision in your heart, and for the right reasons. But you can always reconsider anything, as you wish.
NeeCee said…
I honestly can't imagine you happy in the bigger house. You would miss the land and the animals. You are not one of those fancy woman how needs to spend money to be happy. You are one of those blessed women who are happy just admiring God's creation around her.

Just my humble opinion.
minervabird said…
You are a wise woman. Stay in your home. Why move just for money?
Lisa said…
If you were considering a property with more land, more acreage, I would be inclined to encourage you to buy it. But, to give up the land you love to work and roam, I can't imagine you doing that for ANY house. I wouldn't. I've told dh for years that I'll take a one-room cabin as long as I have land around it. My parents had a small, paid for place and decided they wanted a bigger home. They wanted some space around them which I could undestand. But, in the process, they doubled their home size...just last summer. With my dad dying last month, my mom now has a 2200+ square feet house all alone. Before last summer, she had no mortgage and very low utilities. Now she has a mortgage payment to make and higher utilities. With the bad housing situation, I'm not sure she could sell the place if she tried. I hate knowing most of her financial resources are going to be used to pay for a house that's way too big, way too much, and way too empty without my dad.
Katie Z. said…
No payments? We're working towards that day as fast as we can. Don't go back!
aimee said…
It sounds like you now have peace with your decision to stay where you are. That's great!
Our home/land is completely paid off and we're also nearing retirement so I understand--we don't want to incur any more debt (we're debt free too since a couple years ago) whatsoever either and I love having land to grow food on too (am still hoping for some goats, chickens and/or lambs though!). Not willing to trade off the peace that comes with being debt-free for a bigger home.

Blessings, aimee
Anonymous said…
A 'large and perfect' house is tempting, but is it REALLY what you want? I would love to be in a house that doesn't need work doing to it, but if it cost us more money, then no.

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