A New Journey

Today I am embarking on a new journey, one of gentleness with myself. No more races, no more measuring, calories, steps, even years, but I am going to stop the stresses that come from these goals that measure us. Take up our thoughts, consume us. I am simply going to live mindfully. Eat mindfully, walk with purpose, not a goal. Swim with joy until I am tired, savor the moments, not count them, measure them, or let those aspects tell me what I am. Living mindfully in  the moment is freedom. Life is not a race, its not ruled by some man made measuring stick that steals from us the true purpose of the moment. We know what we need to do, we know when we are lazy, we know when we over eat or eat unhealthy food. We also know the freedom that comes from a hike when all that matters is the scenery. We all know the freedom that comes from enjoying a healthy meal, eating mindfully, but without counting, stopping to eat when we are full or just before we are full, without concern of which food "camp" we belong to. We are robbing ourselves of just walking, just breathing, just being.


Kathy said…
That is so what I need to do! I may print this post and put it on the refrigerator to remind me.
JacquiG said…
Sounds like a good way to be, like the way we are supposed to be. I should join you on this journey.
Anonymous said…
Hi I was wondering if you could update us on MeiLing and Disney !!Thanks . Izzy
Dear Lady, you have such a way with words, and I truly enjoy reading your blog. You express things so very well, and I can relate to what you've penned to paper.
Peacemom said…
Love this, and I don't think anything has resonated with me like this in a long time. Thinking I must need to be on this journey as well. So tired of being mad at my body for weight and pains. Just need to be glad it's here and works as well as it does. Release myself from the need to control every minute. Sounds great!
Margo in Maine said…
Love the thoughts you expressed.Have always enjoyed your blog....had not visited for awhile...blessings

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