Lazy Day

Its damp and cool this morning, a great day to just sit on the sofa with a good book.  There is plenty I could be doing and some things I should be doing, but a do nothing day is in order.  Life has been pretty hectic around here of late and its time to take advantage of a day of no real demands.   We so often spend our lives measuring ourselves by our accomplishments only, but in reality we need a day once in a while where we recharge our batteries, take it slow and easy.  Read a good book, draw a picture, spend an hour looking out the window.  Sit and think and spend some time in prayer, not the hasty kind of prayer, but the kind that pours forth from our hearts and grows from one thought to another.  Where a mention of one person, turns to another and so on.  Where we can see our own selves clearly and honestly and speak to Our Father about our desire to change what is not right in our hearts and where we can spend countless minutes in gratitude for His blessings in our lives.
Beans are cooking in the crock pot, Cranberry beans.  They smell good.  Ingredients for cornbread on the table, waiting to be put together and turned into a yummy treat to go along with the beans.   Fresh Kale chopped and in the fridge ready to be cooked with onions and garlic. Simple fare.  No fuss food.
Material spread out on the dinning room table.  I had plans to sew today, but I may not get to it.  We can eat at the kitchen table tonight.  Tomorrow is another day.  This gray sky day is perfect for being lazy and I am going to take advantage of it. 


Anonymous said…
It sounds like the makings of a truly precious day!

Thank you Patty for sharing.

I agree that we need days like this. We are so geared to thinking that we must work through a list of things that should be done. And then there are the things others would like for us to accomplish--good things usually--church work, helping someone with a project.
I'm having to realize that physically I can't keep up with the demands--not even with my own expectations and that 'time out' is really necessary to maintain my health.
It is good to read that Emery is mending--your family has indeed had some wearying times lately.

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