Dutch Apple Pancakes

Its a cool, damp evening. Perfect weather for some nice comfort food for supper.

Lots of eggs on hand, plenty of goats milk and thanks to Melissa, some great Vermont maple syrup. Emery was greeted at the door by the smell of one of his favorite meals. I don't use a recipe, just add what I know and use my eye for the measuring. But I did find a recipe on line that looked much like what I put together. I bake mine in a cast iron skillet, nice and hot when I pour the batter in.


Apple pancakes became a favorite supper for chilly evenings. I began with a recipe which you posted, cut the ingredients back to make smaller servings for just two of us.
Vermont maple syrup is the best!
Anonymous said…
Oh Patty, I could smell the deliciousness of the apples, even here :-D

Mrs. M.
Brenna said…
I love these pancakes! With some cinnamon sprinkled o top they are divine!



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