When Mei-Ling and I were outside playing by the apricot trees, we noticed a little blue jay sitting atop the goat cage we use for transporting them. The baby was about half feathered out and looking very frightened. On the other side of our property fence, sat a very large cat. You could almost see him licking his chops. Blue Jay are very protective of their young so I walked over to the baby with care. Did not want to be attacked by the parents. I heard several jays squawking over head. Soon enough I realized their was an intervention underway. The parents would go to the baby feed it, and then coax it to a higher place. When the baby fell to the ground, the parents were right there "talking" to the young one. It was amazing to watch. I was surprised to see a pair of cardinals right close by, looking like they wanted to attack the baby bird. The jays flew at the cat until it hurried off, not willing to be pecked.
After a while the baby jay was in the tree once again. I never could find the nest but felt confident the parents had everything under control.
It is so wonderful to simply be a part of it all!
Praying for Yen.