Yen is still a very sick little guy. He has a very bad urinary tract infection due in part to his having Vesico-ureteral reflux . His was a lower grade than Mei-Lings but now they are concerned it has gotten worse. Today they will be doing a voiding cysto-urethrography (VCG) to see if things have changed. His fever spikes the minute his medications wear off but today the urine culture should be back, telling them which antibiotic will treat the specific bacteria. We keep praying for a speedy recovery and for the Doctors to find the best treatment for him. Melanie told me this morning that Yen pulled out his IV so they will need to resite it. Mei-Ling is staying with us and woke late last night with a nightmare. Too many difficult things this week for such a wee one to handle. First the tornado, and then seeing her brother so sick and she understands all too well what its like to be sick.
Please continue to pray for Yen and for the family.
It is during these times dear Patty, where His Love and His Peace are so palpable. He is embracing you know dear friend and carrying all of you through this.
Father...keep this family close My Lord. They are yours. You know what is happening Father, and I know that You hear all the prayers that are spoken from a humble heart. Lord keep them close and give them peace. Cure this little guy Father. Give the doctors the wisdom and guide their hands Lord.
You are in control of this situation...let Your will be seeing Father.
In Jesus Christ I pray,
Mrs. M.