Yesterday morning the sky was cold looking, although the temperature told a different story. It was a mild day with a sweater being all you needed for added warmth. But as dusk set in and the early evening drew into darkness, the moon appeared, bright but covered by an icy layer of thin clouds. The sight of this winter moon sent shivers up my spine as I checked the animals before heading to bed. I pulled my shawl close around me and headed for the house and the warmth of the woodstove.
Laughter and lively conversation greeted my ears as I walked through the back door. I quickly kicked off my red mud boots and followed the sound of my families voices.
The image of the icy moon stayed with me throughout the evening and as I climbed into bed and looked out the windows, with their homespun curtains drawn to one side, my eyes focused on the black branches of the trees reaching upward into the dark icy looking sky. Moonshadows danced across the bare ground in the growing wind. I pulled the quilt closer around my neck. Sleep came ever closer until my eyes could no longer hold a gaze on this wintry scene.
In the morning before the sun arrived with its warm welcome to the day, that same cold sky was the view to be seen out the back door as I went out to do my chores. Again, the air seemed too warm for how the sky appeared. As the morning sun arrived, it revealed again a wintry sky. Winter is indeed just around the corner