Daily Tasks
When the children were growing up, this was one of my oldest daughters chores. To wash the chimneys of the lamps and fill them. She would also expertly trim the wicks so they would burn the best. Often times the whole counter top by the sink was lined up with lamps. The task is now mine but hardly a time goes by when I am filling the lamps that I don't think about my daughter cleaning them and never complaining about it. There was always a song in her heart as she helped out.
There is something satisfying about making the glass shine, knowing how bright the light will be in the evening hours because you did a good job.
I am grateful for work around the home and our little farm. It gives you a purpose. Everything we do around here is for a greater purpose than the task itself. Gibran wrote, " Work is love made visable." Profound and hopefully true for everyone. It is for me and I know it is for my husband. In the evenings when the warmth and glow from the woodstove creates for us a sense of well being, our conversation is filled with hope, plans, joys, and contentment. Tonight the light from the lamps will shine very bright as does our future.