Run-a-way Thoughts
The weather was warm and steamy yesterday, jungle like feel to it. It was not pleasant at all, but today, the cool is back and it feels more normal for this time of year.
Steven is having a crew come over to our house on Saturday and re-roof a huge portion of our house since we had a leak recently. Christian love in action. Roofing is hard on old knees so its nice to have younger folk doing it. We are blessed to have such help available to us. We have built on two additions to our home and each time, we have had much like what you see as a barn raising. Lots of help with cheerful hearts.
Its good to replace worry with thoughts of all the blessings in your here are a few of the blessings I counted this morning, in no particular order.
Faith in something bigger than people
Being loved
Feeling profound love
Being married to my best friend for 30 years
Emery and his kindness
My children and all that they have become
My grandchildren
A new grandbaby on the way
Cool Autumn weather
A simple life
My wood stove
A fall garden
My sisters
My dad
My dad responding to his cancer treatments
Peace in my day
Good friends
Being able to feel joy daily
A warm and cozy house
Roses in the garden
Feeling safe
and so much more
Prayers for your health will continue and I hope the news will be encouraging.
Cheers for the roofing crew!