Long day
Mei-Ling sat in her pram the whole time we were at the hospital, several hours actually and played with her books and with the toddler programs I have on my iPhone for her. She never once fussed or complained. Praise God for a good baby that behaves well ! She was quite content for over an hour learning the Thai alphabet.
I feel so blessed to know that so many of you are praying for Melanie and Mei-Ling, who seems to be doing fine. She was running around the house playing when we got home and cheerful as ever.
We so often have times in our lives when things seem difficult or maybe a better way to put it, is to say, "not easy" but these are the very times in which we often grow the most and gain strength we need to have.
I am so thankful that my own health has been restored so I can help my family in their time of need. Life is good, it really is.
The day is done and I am so ready for a long nights sleep.
they are definitely in my prayers...