Amish Breakfast for Lunch
It's kind of cold today and the kind of day when you want something warm and comforting to eat. Mei-Ling is visiting us today as Melanie is fighting a throat infection and there is not much rest when an energetic three year old is running around. I drove down the road and picked her up and we went right to work cooking, she loves to cook and actually is learning how to pour slowly and stir quickly ! Cooking with her by my side reminds me so much of cooking with our girls at that age.
Emery has been busy chopping wood and gathering kindling this morning and I knew he was working up an appetite. I gave him a Fiskers splitting axe for Christmas and he is loving it. Says its the finest axe he has ever used. The coming weeks are bringing colder temperatures which means lots more firewood will be used. I noticed today that in the 10 day forecast there is snow predicted. Of course many things can change in 10 days.
If you click HERE you will find the recipe for our lunch today, Fried Cornmeal Mush with tomato gravy. Melissa and I were talking it about last night when we were skyping. Which inspired me to make it today. Its a long time family favorite.
Mei-Ling getting in some exercise before we sat down to eat ~
And your breakfast looks good !