Living The Wonderful Life

It occurred to me this week, while I was away from my computer much of the time, how delightful it was to be disconnected from it. I love my computer, my iPhone and all the other tech gadgets I have, but I also enjoy being away from them from time to time. Not being connected is kinda freeing. I certainly feel that I have accomplished a lot more in the past week, since my time was less tied to checking email and facebook.
Cold mornings I enjoyed the task of getting the stove going in the morning and sitting on the floor in front of it, just enjoying its warmth, watching the flames dance and listening to the winter winds howl. I had time to sit with pencil and paper and plan the spring garden. I found joy in doing it the old fashioned way, instead of on the computer. Don't get me wrong here, I love the computer, but it was nice to be away from it for a while and even now I am not running crazy trying to get it working. But rather have found it suitable to just use Emery's laptop from time to time for things that are pressing.
I have had more time to walk under the trees and see the birds hard at work finding food. I have had more time to watch the clouds drift by and watch the chickens in the yard. I have had more time to focus on simply living and living simply, discovering how close the two phrases are related for me.
I also had the time to take the plunge into eating Raw, which is something that has been in my mind to do for a long time now. Not committing to it as a forever lifestyle, but as a "medical" treatment so to speak. To cleanse, to loose weight in a healthy way. I used to talk rather negatively about folks that ate raw. . .extreme. But after half a week of eating only raw foods, I have noticed a huge difference in how I feel. Emery said this morning that he feels five years younger. I do too and I am never hungry, never. I certainly have no food cravings, which for me is amazing. I have had a major sweet tooth my entire life. In two days I have lost 3 1/2 lbs. My energy level is already improving, which if you know me, you know I am kinda hyper anyway. Never like to sit still very long and if I am sitting down, my hands are most likely busy with a craft of some sort.
I have committed to 30 days of eating raw, but honestly at this point I feel like I could go on for much longer. Its made that much of a positive difference in how I feel after just a couple of days.
In many ways, eating raw foods matches my desire to live more simply, to step more lightly on this earth and to feel more grounded. To me, it seems like living more of the whole package. Emery and I work at living more green, and this is certainly a life filled with more greens !
On a deeper sense, I feel happier and content and that's what my goal has been since I was a small child. Life is good and getting better every day.
Both issues that you shared in this post are the ones that I am struggling with right now.
Living simply and eating raw foods for health reasons.
Being disconnected is something that I need to do and will probably do starting right now. Thank you so much for your insight...for your honesty and for allowing yourself to be a vessel of Him that guides you.
In His Name,
Do you have book or plan you're following for eating raw foods?
Blessings :-)