O.K. Now Its Really Springtime
Every spring I experience the same sort of "coming back to life". I love winter for many reasons but it is a time when I want to hibernate and just stay home, layer on the warm woolens and just slow down. Then Spring arrives and something awakens in me that I like, its this youthful enthusiasm that if I could paint a picture of it, it would be spring flowers, blue skies, birds flying, the greenest grass, a child hopping and skipping with ribbons trailing behind her. And if I could add to that the scent of this enthusiasm, it would be of lilacs, jasmine, honey locust and hyacinths all rolled into one marvelous smell.
Spring awakens in me the need to step up my appearance too. I start to think of dresses, of eating better, leaner. I get my hair done and put on make up, not much mind you. I clean out the closet and plan a warm weather wardrobe. Classic style. I start to evaluate what I need around the house. What haven't I used in a year, in the last six months. What am I holding on to that is holding me back. Too much stuff holds us back, makes us feel enslaved. This is the time of the year I sit looking around each room, dreaming of what I would really like it to look like, not just what I think people expect me to have around or what will impress people.
I love this awakening after a long winters nap. Its vibrant, alive, exciting and a time when energy flows through me at super speed. So, time to throw away the old tee shirts, worn out jeans that kept me comfortable in the winter and get out the fashion books. Re-read my all time favorite book of inspiration for life, " French Women Don't Get Fat" which has so much more to do with life than just what and how we eat. Its about living with control yet love of life.
Yes, spring is here and the world feels so alive and I like that !