It is for this kind of morning that makes living on one income worth it, if for no other reason than that I have the time and the simple lifestyle to enjoy just this kind of moment. All the things we "miss out on" according to the modern social standards, are nothing to what I can see, and experience just by doing my chores. Just to step out the back door onto the porch and be greeted with enthusiasm by Harry, have a trail of three cats follow me to the barn for their breakfast, be surrounded by birdsong and breathe in the clear cool air of a March morning. To walk past a well tended garden and spy a couple of squirrels chasing one another round and round the big trunk of the cotton wood tree, is entertainment money could never buy. It is soul food, and spiritual food. To walk up to the pasture and catch the faint, yet profound scent of the apricot blossoms. Then to see the most glorious sight, dew hanging on the tips of each blade of vibrant green grass with the golden morning sun shining on each one. No chandelier could ever contain such sparkle.
For just this kind of morning, I am thankful.
Hope you're having a Great wk.