We haven't had much rain this summer, matter of fact we are over 7 inches behind in rainfall. Farmers are having to buy hay and their "stock tanks" (which is Texan for a small pond) have dried up. One of the last times it rained I took this picture. If you look close you can see that its raining outside.
I am looking forward to some rainy days. I like to bake when its rainy or cold or both. Snow really gets me excited. Must be from all those years growing up in snow. We use kerosene lamps a lot. I like the warm and cozy glow they give a room. It is rather silly to be using the computer by kerosene lamp light, but why not. Life is full of irony and it keeps us from being dull.
When the children were small, we would light the lamps, and they all would settle down, ask for a story or just play quietly. That snuggly feeling filled the house. That's a good feeling.