One of the joys of living on a little homestead for me is that I get to stay home and don't have to go off to work.
Yesterday as I was making bread, the house filled with that aroma that calls to you. Baking bread is almost like the call of a siren. Beckoning, calling and in addition creating an atmosphere of hominess. The aroma of bread baking almost makes old fashioned times tangible to us in this modern day .
There are no bread machines in my house, just good old fashioned large bowls and then lots of woman power to kneed the dough. I like to pray for my family while I kneed the dough and often while making my bread I hear the line from the Prophet by Gibran run through my head, " work is love made visible" Its so true for me.
When the bread was a bit cooled, I sat down in late afternoon and had a snack of milk and warm bread with butter.
Sure was yummy.
Dr. Sang Lee said, in one of his lecures on the importance of love, that the fragrance of bread baking is so powerful you almost don't even have to eat it to gain the benefit.