The darkness of early morning slowly gave way to the suns arrival. A quick glance out the window let me know the time just from the amount of light arriving in the eastern sky. Its almost like the house was planned for my days work. The kitchen is in the east and the living room in the west. Morning's light arrives in the room I work in first and in the evening I watch the sun set out the living room windows as I spin or knit till the day is done.
This morning the house filled with the smells of a country breakfast. Fuel for a day of hard work. Freshly ground coffee, maple blueberry corn bread baking, eggs frying along with a large iron skillet filled to the brim with fried potatoes.
For some reason today, these mixed smells made me think of winter time and the cozy warmth of our wood stove. It must be that the summer has lasted too long with all my dreamy thoughts of wintertime.
Soon reality will take hold as the kitchen heats up from the day of bread baking. Warm loaves of bread will sit in a row, butter melting down the sides of each loaf as they cool.
Trips to the clothes line, my arms full of clean smelling wet clothes ready to be hung in the morning sun will certainly wake me up to the fact that summer is not gone and it is not winter time. Things are changing though. We had our first heavy fog yesterday, a sure sign that fall is about to arrive. Leaves are showing subtle changes in color. The garden looking haggard and used up.
It will be soon time to clean the barns and prepare them for the cold weather. We will be planting our fall garden in just a couple of weeks and stacking firewood in the woodshed.
Seasons bring their own special work assignments on the farm. Each one a reminder of the rhythm of life.
I love this life !