No matter what the thermometer said, we need to be planning for cold weather. Yesterday we had our first of three loads of wood delivered. We buy our wood from a nice older man who sells only downed dead wood. We prefer to burn it for lots of reasons. The two main reasons being, it burns clean, and its easier on the environment.
It seemed ironic to me to be hauling wood clear across the property and stacking it in the woodshed, with the temperature so high. It was a sweaty work out for me but felt good to have it all done. In another month we will be using the woodstove but today that seemed a long way off. The man we get our wood from said that he is having a record amount of calls for wood. People are afraid of the energy costs for this winter. Sure am glad we heat with wood ! All this wood reminds me of the verse in Proverbs 26:20 Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down.
I even split some of our wood. Belived it or not I really did not mind that part. I felt so empowered for some reason.
Just heard natural gas for us is jumping 20% next month. Oy vey !