Endless Summer Heat

Motivation and creativity are at a standstill for me in this heat.   I am feeling blessed to get about 10 miles of running in each week right now.  Too hot for more than that.  Walking outside to check on the animals this afternoon, while the thermometer showed 111 F (43.8 C ) in the shade, it was heartbreaking to see all the plants withering and leaves falling like crispy potato chips from the branches.   Chickens, looking for shade, cool water, refreshing for them, but still their mouths gape open as if trying to find cool air.   Maddox following for a bit, then opting to find his shady cool spot instead.  I understand. 
This feels like the desert, with no sign of relief in sight.   Roses dried on the bushes, yarrow still on the stem, dried as if they had been done so on purpose.  Leaves curling and twisting, gnarled finger like. 
I find myself checking what the low temperatures are for September and October.  Holding out hope for the times when my feet feel the cold floor beneath them and when the air feels refreshing and sweaters bring comfort.
This year its easy to believe that global warming is a reality.


Patty Sumner said…
I pray that things cool down soon. This has been one long and hot Summer. It has been a rough time for so many. Great job on the walking (even in this heat). Thumbs up to you! Blessings!
Hot and dry here in KY but temps not above mid 90's. Gardening is on hold other than sparingly watering what seems most lilkely to mature.
I remind myself that July and part of August was often too hot in New England as well.
Its hard to watch the shriveling and drying process and know that we can't change the weather--spiritual lessons there, I'm sure. Summer becomes a test of endurance!
Unknown said…
i completely understand what you're experiencing as we are in the oven too! Last night, however, we did get some rain and today and tomorrow the forecast is for the low 90's, before the blast furnace kicks in again and the temps are over 100. My yard is brown and many/most of the plants are dry and crumbling.
Aunt Jenny said…
I will stop whining about the wet summer we have had. I really will. We have had heat (NOT like yours) but not dry weather much all summer. Very unusual for us...but I will take it compared to drought. I hope it ends soon and you have a beautiful early fall.
Lucy said…
I can't imagine how hot this is! Hope it is cooling down for you. It is here cold and rainy weather at this moment.

So sad to see your lovely place shriveling. Hope you guys have a reprieve from the heat soon.

Take good care,
Dawn said…
One thing about the wretched heat here in TX is the monument foundation cracks that appear throughout homes during this time.
My walls and floors are cracking and my bathroom has come up over an inch off the ground. We could see the outside until we filled it in with some putty or whatever the stuff was, but it's bad.
Our doors don't close or lock properly either now.

Does this mean us Texans are going to be in for a brutal winter?
Melanie said…
Ugh, Patty...that is terrible. I wish I could send you some rain from my area (northern IL). Everything here is still lush and green. We've had temps in the 90's (and now in the 80's this week), but at least we've had some rain to go with the heat.

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