Goals and Truth

For the past 6 months or so I have thought a lot about personal growth.  I posted on facebook the other day that you should be a better person at age 30 than you were at 20 and a better person at age 40 than you were at 30 and so on and so on, and if it is not your goal to be more compassionate, kinder and more loving each and every day you live, then it should be your goal.   Living a good life is important for so many reasons, and if nothing else, selfishly, it makes your own life better to live a life filled with compassion and kindness.
Perhaps with my 57th birthday just a week away, I am wanting to make sure that my life this past year has been better than the year before and look deeply inside of myself to see with open eyes the areas that are still needing more improvement.  I know that everything in my life has been a teacher, people, crafts, places I have lived, animals I have raised, work I have done, daily chores, sickness, raising the children, sitting, meditation, exercise, eating....they all have taught me something about life and have made me who I am and being aware of that helps me to choose with care what I do and how I do it.  The lessons in life are important, they make us who we are.  Even the difficult things we go through can make us better people if we let them.  If we acknowledge with honesty what lessons we need to learn, we become willing to see them.
Real hhappiness is about living a life that is authentic, its about living a life you don't have to be afraid to share. Its about living a life behind closed doors that you would not be ashamed to have others see. Its about being real, honest and content at every turn. Living a life with hypocrisy and secrets are the surest signs you are not really happy, no matter how many smiles you wear and nine times out of ten, people can see right through a fake life faster than we would ever believe possible.   Blogging is one of those places in life where its feasible to just put out there what we want people to see, without having to disclose all the picture.  I have never tried to do that, with the exception of perhaps taking a photo that cuts off the view of the clutter on the coffee table !      
Learning through life is about becoming a better person, its about being honest with yourself, and improving, growing, letting go of stress.  Learning to see that happiness has nothing to do with material gain.  No matter how many times you hear it, you will not become a better cook by having certain stove or certain counter tops.  A white refrigerator keeps the food just as cold as a stainless one and expensive high heels will not make you into a new woman.  Acts of compassion will make you more beautiful and seeking peace will change you more than a fancy handbag.   Being honest with who you are and what your life is like will give people nothing to gossip about.    Seeking to see the lesson in all the aspects of your life will free you from resentment.  Praying for your enemy will soften your heart towards them and sitting in silence and being comfortable with that silence will give you a clearer mind.     My goal... continue on the path I have been on but with wider eyes and deeper understanding for all that I see.


Rose said…
Hi patty i am a new blogger. Your words once again give me room for thought,with this ever changing and testing world we live in the simple life starts with ourselves.
Much to think about.

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