Busy Busy Busy

Spring time is such a busy time for us.  Planting the vegetable gardens, pruning trees and of course planting lots of flowers.   This morning we finished up planting the Hollyhock garden.  I love hollyhocks and never can have too many of them it seems.  Today we planted pink, white, red, peach, yellow, black and a deep pink color.   Yesterday was roses and lavender planting along with moving lots of lilies.   We have a pretty good chance of rain each day for the next 5 days so I wanted to get as much in the ground now.   Most days, I get about 4 -5 hours of serious garden work in.  But, how rewarding it is.  Things will slow down in a couple weeks and then we can just sit on the porch and watch it all grow...well, not exactly since we plan on painting the house this spring.    So, maybe this summer we can sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor.   Yesterday, I painted the clothesline poles with a new coat of shiny white paint, next I will paint some vines and pink roses climbing up them for fun, and thinking about that now, gives me an idea for a new clothespin bag, one with roses to match the poles.   With this new way of eating, a plant based diet, I have more energy then I have had in decades.  I feel so good and my recent lab work shows how good it is for me.  Even though I have always maintained a nearly meat free diet, my cholesterol has been borderline high for years now.  I wonder if its because my Vit D is so low, hard to know, but as I loose more weight, and watch ever so closely what I eat, the numbers are improving, slowly, yes, but they are improving.   
Life is good as Emery is fond of saying, and it is.  No matter how busy we are, we still find time for a cup of tea on the porch !   

Genesis 2:8

New International Version (NIV) Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed.


Rose said…
I plan to plant hollyhocks at the weekend, i can not believe how tall yours look in the photo with your daughter. The table laid for tea looks delightful.
Our weather here has taken a dip and feels chilly again but the sun did come out for a short time this afternoon, spring is nearly here!! Best wishes jackie x
What a great idea! I can envision your clothesline poles with vines and flowers "growing" on them. I might have to borrow (steal?) your idea.

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