Being Content

There is something very negative to the soul when you just keep wanting more than what you have. Sure, we all have goals in life and strive to reach them, but that's not what I am thinking about, its the always wanting a bigger or better object that has nothing to do with lasting and deep happiness. You know, you just get a new car and the guy down the road has a bigger and better one, or you shop for new towels and then head over to your in laws house and they have better, fancier ones that make yours look pretty cheap. Folks do their kitchens over every couple years because the magazines and home shows tell you that what you have is outdated, even if you are hardly ever in your kitchen and your stove has been used only for major holiday cooking. That washing machine you have works great but its not one of those new fancy front loaders in an amazing color, so you start to concentrate on how to get a new one, forgetting to be thankful that you have a good working machine already.
This mindset of always wanting is taking folks away from being grateful for what they have and from being content. This constant need to shop seems to take people away from things like playing with their children or taking them places they would enjoy. Children are much happier playing with mom and dad on the floor than shopping or having guests over so the parents can show off your latest acquisition.
In the long run, the children will just be resentful and figure out that they were not as important as their parents "social standing".
Contentment goes a long way in life. It keeps life simple, grounded in what really matters in the long run. Contentment shows evidence of what our priorities are. It gives us peace that is not dependant on stuff, on material gain that just seems to breed more wants.
When things become a main focus in life, we find the relationships in our life become more and more shallow. We loose track of who our loved ones are as people. I think, this constant need to impress and to try and fill some void in our lives by owning bigger and better all the time, leaves a person lonely and very unfulfilled in the end, simply because there will always be someone with something better, and "stuff" gets old quickly, leaving us feeling empty all over again.
Seeking to be content, seeking a life grounded in the difference between want and need, seeking to be fulfilled not by objects but by good loving relationships is where happiness can be found.


Anonymous said…
And that is what is wrong with out society today. Everybody wants more "stuff" and nobody is happy with that they have. No one knows what a real treasure good friends are. Or how much richer they are, with a family filled with love, than with all the gold and silver in the world. We take for granted the "good stuff".
Dawn S. said…
Very well put. We need to remember that the important things in life are not "things" at all!
My favorite quote is by Myrna Loy - "Life is not a having and a getting, but a being and a becoming". Another good quote, but not as eloquent - "He who dies with the most toys, is still dead".
WVSimplicity said…
Amen. Well put. One of my favorite sayings is: "A rich person is not one who has the most, but is one who NEEDS the least".
Lucy said…
Yes! I recognize your story around me. You wrote down excatly what I'm thinking. Thank you

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